Don’t Fear the AI Reaper: The Monetary Value of Your Artwork is Nothing

The final two years of my 25-year career in journalism, I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out a way to prolong my career. I explored starting a news non-profit, tested out the viability of for-profit newsletters, and dreamed of getting back to the old ways that I had experienced as an alt-weekly journalist. 

None of them made sense. 

Not financially. Not creatively. And, most importantly, not from a customer perspective. 

Simply put: readers simply aren’t demanding the type of products I knew how to produce and which I had led award-winning teams to create for two decades. 

Thanks to the internet, there were, and are, too many options for readers to choose from. And to make matters worse, today’s readers either can’t tell the difference between pay-to-play content or don’t care. The latter, unfortunately, is the most likely. 

One of the final straws came when I interviewed with a large chain and was told they had already begun using AI to write news articles, and they were pleased with the results. In addition, this same chain told me that not only would I have to put in a full day’s work five days, but I’d be required to attend, host, or participate in after-hours events on a weekly basis. Of course, it goes without saying that this was a news organization that wanted its writers and editors to publish breaking news throughout the day and evening. Clicks were all that mattered.

Having lived that life before, and having demanded it of my writers, I had no desire to go back to that. 

During that time, I rarely spent time with my family, I lived under the constant threat of being fired for some minor mistake or laid off because I was the highest paid member of the editorial team. I was drowning in debt, I had developed OCD and anxiety, I drank into the wee hours, I no longer had time to exercise, and I had devolved into a click bait beast who was always looking for a new hot take to drive traffic. But I could have dealt with all of that if I thought there was a future, any future, in the business for the next 20+ years of my working life. There wasn’t. If pay-to-play news outlets weren’t going to be the end of journalism, then AI certainly would be. 

Around this time, it occurred to me that this wasn’t a journalism-only problem. It was a problem for all content creation, whether that content was news or music or literature or visual art or radio or YouTube, or hell, porn. Each one was flush with creators and most were, and still are, hacks. They don’t produce content as much as they co-op other people’s art.They don’t create new work or break new stories, they comment on them. 

Gone were the days when a band could have a hit record and be set or a new novelist could publish a best-seller and give up their job as a teacher. Over with. 

Outside of large corporate IP — or Taylor Fucking Swift — the commercial value of art and journalism was quickly approaching zero. 

And so, I left the industry entirely. But I didn’t give up writing. I just changed the reasons why I did it. Web traffic? State-wide political notoriety? Hate from my enemies, love from my fans? None of it. I decided the only path forward was to write for myself. 

Of course, that would be with an audience in mind. But the audience was no longer one of the main focuses. And neither was working my tail off so someone else could live a cushy life, throwing around cash while their so-called family of employees scraped by. Fuck that. 

So, if you’re angry about the arrival of AI and worried that it will make it impossible to survive solely on the wages of creation alone, I hate to say it, but that day arrived a long time ago for a lot of folks. Many of whom are vastly superior to those living large, whether that’s as a star writer for the New York Times, a currently hot musician, or a genre novelist whose work is regularly optioned by Hollywood. 

Their time is coming. They just don’t know it yet. 

As for me, I’ll write for myself.

I never expect to get paid.

In fact, I don’t care if I do or not.

In fact, you’ll find that whatever I do next, I’ll charge readers exactly what my work is worth: nothing.

The exact same as yours.

Waking Sleep: The Eye-Opening New Path to Awakening Your Full Potential

The naysayers will say the words you are reading right now are a work of fiction.

Let them.

With erroneous thoughts like those, they will never come to know the wisdom found here  — and the countless dreams inside of you.

This simple work — the result of years of research and testing and practice — can change your life in extraordinary ways.

Reading these words, you will come to know that all of feelings that you have about the way the world works, about what is true and good and right, are true.

You will come to know that the voice inside of you has been right all along.

The path to greatness, to unlocking your true potential, to being a force for change, to being one of the few who have the drive, the passion, the fundamental courage to make their dreams come true, is right before you, but has always been inside.

Right now, search yourself.

It takes courage to question others.

It takes passion to find your true calling.

It takes an inner drive to to change, yourself or the world.

And you, by reading just these few paragraphs have proven to yourself that all of these things are a part of you.

They may have been lying dormant.

They may have been held down.

They may have suppressed.

But they have always been there.

Again, you have these words, this single, simple guide in your hands, and you are reading it because some inner spark inside of you desires to be kindled, it desires to burn, it desires to be explode.

No matter where you are, no matter where you are in life, your career, your life, this applies to you.

You are likely already successful.

Your friends certainly you as such.

Your family sees you as such.

And you see yourself as such, but there is so much more to you, so much more that you can be

So much more that you can become.

So much more that you can awaken.

And it’s inside you.

It always has been.

But the world has gotten in the way.

The world has stepped in front of you.

The world has blocked you from seeing it fully.

From experiencing it as fully.

From living it fully.

From being it fully.

And you are a being.

You are an action.

You are an event that is unfolding.

You are a change.

A shift.

A progression.

A step.

A leap.

A charge.

You are the spark that will ignite your soul.

Your world.

Your life.

Your way of understanding.

Your way of being.

Your way of becoming.

Your way of being you.

And you are you.

You always have been.

But you haven’t always see it.

At least not with your waking eye.

That eye doesn’t see clearly.

Sometimes it only focuses on that which is right in front of us.

Sometimes it only focuses on that which is far away.

But rarely, at least to those who are untrained, does it see everything all around us, for what is is, for how it dissorts, for how it distracts, for how it dissaudes.

The young man who is crippled by anxiety, afraid to stand up in front of a crowd and speak his mind, who knows that he has something to say and that the people will want to hear it, that they need to hear it, but it is something that he cannot do because his fears have distorted the ease of stepping up to that podium and letting his message be heard.

But these are just people.

And these are just words.

Speaking is as simple and natural as breathing. And if it’s as natural as breathing, it’s natural to you.

It’s innate.

It’s inside you.

It is you.

Close your eyes and look inward.

Breath deep and let your mind wander. Let it dream.

You will see it. And you will see that it has always been there.

You will feel it.

You will find it.

You have found it.

It is the foundation upon which you have been built.

That hard-working mother who is juggling a full-time job, raising a family, being a loving and attentive lover, who is distracted by the world and allows responsibilities and obligations and considerations to keep her from achieving her dreams.

But that’s just life.

That’s just family.

For centuries, this has been the life that we have lived and millions have lived before us.

They did it.

We can do it.

You can do it.

You have been doing it.

This is just life.

This is just living.

It’s as simple and natural as breathing. And if it’s as natural as breathing, it’s natural to you.

It’s innate.

It’s inside you.

It is you.

Close your eyes and look inward. Breath deep and let your mind wander.

Let it dream.

You will see it.

And you will see that it has always been there.

It’s the would-be entreprenaur with a world-changing idea, but who looks at the task ahead and feels overwhelmed by the obstacles, the hassles, the hagglings, harmstrung by conditioned doubt, hobbled by false starts and all too brief  flashes of inspiration. But the idea is there.

These are just ideas waiting to be released.

Theses are just ideas waiting to be grasped.

It’s just a new identity that is ready to born it.

It’s as simple and natural as breathing. And if it’s as natural as breathing, it’s natural to you.

It’s innate.

It’s inside you.

It is you.

Close your eyes and look inward. Breath deep and let your mind wander.

Let it dream.

You will see it. And you will see that it has always been there.

It has always been waiting to be.

This work will help you see this. And it will do so by teaching you to close your eyes, to look away from the distractions, the doubts, the deceptions of the waking world.

Those are the nightmares that plague our days.

But in our dreams, the nightmares of the world cannot harm us.

When you realize this, you too will realize they cannot harm you in the waking world as well.

Your dreams are your reality.

Reality is a dream.

And in order to wake up, we must first close our eyes, we must first fall asleep.

Wake up, my brothers and sisters. Wake up.

It’s time to go to sleep.

It’s time to dream.

It’s time to walk in our sleep. It’s time to let our passions be our footsteps.


It’s time to take a bite out of the 1%

How many bootstrap Republicans are just trust-fund welfare children spending daddy’s money?
How many successful businessmen and -women are successful because their families long ago made their money off the blood, sweat, and tears of the working class and the enslaved?
How many self-help gurus are self-made charlatans selling you a copy of their latest book containing stolen anecdotes and scientifically untested strategies for succeeding in business?
Don’t fall for their lies. Rise up and make them fall for your lives.
This lamb is your lamb. Become the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Join the Slumber Party today.
We are the Wool.


Hustling is not a virtue.

Hustling is not a virtue. You don’t deserve a gold star. You don’t deserve a non-threatening, consensual pat on the back.

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Hustling is a sign that you are being abused by those who pay you for your services. It’s a sign they don’t value your work or, more importantly, you.

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Wake up, America. The Slumber Party wants you to sleep.

Educate yourself today. Read about the Triumphant History of the Slumber Flower, the symbol of resistance for countless textile workers.